Aromatherapists, are you ready to instill a love of essential oils in everyone you teach?

Learn to teach aromatherapy in an interactive, inspiring, and educational way.

Gain the tools and confidence you need to make a lasting impact on your students' lives.

Sharing your passion with others is one of the greatest gifts out there.

20+ years ago when I started my aromatherapy journey, I was so enthusiastic to share my knowledge with others that I would excitedly start reciting research I had read with just about anyone who would listen.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to realize that even with all my experience and knowledge, my method of teaching others wasn’t getting the results I wanted. Instead, their eyes would glaze over and they’d almost immediately tune me out.

Dry lectures= boring teacher… and that wasn’t going to cut it.

I wanted my students to walk away from my consultation or class:
  • Excited about the lessons I taught
  • ​With a full understanding of the day’s lesson
  • ​With a deep rooted passion for essential oils
And to do this effectively, I had to learn how to teach in a way that would excite, inspire, and motivate my students to put their knowledge into practice.

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

You can hold the power to inspire your family, friends, students, and everyone around you to break free from the norm and see the full power of essential oils. You can start the wave of change in your own community but first… you have to understand how to be that great teacher.


Aromatherapy Teaching 101

The only course you’ll need to become a confident, impactful, inspiring aromatherapy teacher.

Module 1: 

The Art of Teaching

In this module, we dive deep into the study of teaching methods, and learn what makes a teacher truly great. You’ll be able to identify which style of teaching you’re most pulled to and how to use that when we move to lesson planning.

Module 2

Creating a Lesson Plan

In this module, you’ll learn how to outline the perfect aromatherapy class including exactly how much time to spend on each aspect. You will walk away understanding how to craft a lesson that is engaging for your student and lights you up knowing they’ll benefit from your lesson.

Module 3

Teaching Essential Oils

In this module, we break down the teaching methods and learn how to specifically teach about essential oils. This module will outline how to break down complicated and sometimes dull subjects like chemistry and composition easily so your students have lightbulb moments again and again.

Module 4

Teaching Aromatherapy Product Making

In this module, we explore best practices and step-by-step frameworks for demonstrating how to make Aromatherapy Products during your classes. You will learn how to instill confidence and the passion for creation into your students and allow them to get the hands-on experience they’ll need to truly integrate aromatherapy into their life.


Aromatherapy Teaching 101

The only course you’ll need to become a confident, impactful, inspiring aromatherapy teacher.

Module 1: 

The Art of Teaching

In this module, we dive deep into the study of teaching methods, and learn what makes a teacher truly great. You’ll be able to identify which style of teaching you’re most pulled to and how to use that when we move to lesson planning.

Module 2

Creating a Lesson Plan

In this module, you’ll learn how to outline the perfect aromatherapy class including exactly how much time to spend on each aspect. You will walk away understanding how to craft a lesson that is engaging for your student and lights you up knowing they’ll benefit from your lesson.

Module 3

Teaching Essential Oils

In this module, we break down the teaching methods and learn how to specifically teach about essential oils. This module will outline how to break down complicated and sometimes dull subjects like chemistry and composition easily so your students have lightbulb moments again and again.

Module 4

Teaching Aromatherapy Product Making

In this module, we explore best practices and step-by-step frameworks for demonstrating how to make Aromatherapy Products during your classes. You will learn how to instill confidence and the passion for creation into your students and allow them to get the hands-on experience they’ll need to truly integrate aromatherapy into their life.

You’ll also get these amazing bonuses!

How to set up your teaching business

You’ll walk away knowing the exact steps to take to have your teaching business up and running in no time.

How to market your teaching business

You’ll walk away with a plan of how to make the general public aware and excited about your teaching business.



a free 1:1 coaching call with Amy to ask your burning questions about your teaching business.

You’ll walk away steadfast in your abilities to be an effective and inspirational teacher, but even more… you’ll walk away ready to launch your business and monetize your knowledge in a way that feels aligned with your passion.

Aromatherapy Teaching 101 is right for you if…

  • You love essential oils and get excited at the thought of sharing a new blend
  • When a friend comes to you with a headache, trouble sleeping, etc. your first thought is “I have something to help with that!”
  • You find enjoyment in integrating new holistic methods into your daily routine and are excited to share these methods with others
  • You have ZERO teaching experience other than sharing what you know with those around you

Aromatherapy Teaching 101 is not right for you if…

  • You have no idea what an essential oil blend is
  • ​You think Frankincense is an old horror movie and you’d rather pop an Ambien than try an essential oil blend to help you sleep
  • ​You don’t care whether or not your students learn anything, you only want the money they’re paying you
  • You’d rather keep all of your knowledge to yourself than help others develop an understanding of how essential oils work

Learn more about Aromatherapy Teaching 101 from Amy!


Creating a business by sharing your true passion with others
Witnessing your students achieve an AHA! Moment in YOUR class
Helping your students build a deep love for essential oils and holistic wellness that they'll be able to take with them for a lifetime and share with everyone in their life
Empowering your students to share their passion for essential oils and natural wellness with their family and friends so they can live a more holistic lifestyle
Instigating change that can encourage the masses to live a more plant-based lifestyle and ditch the chemical concoctions labeled “green” at their local supercenter

The only real way to make a lasting impressions is to become an inspiring and unforgettable teacher.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time can I expect to dedicate to this course?

If you’re enthusiastic about completing this course quickly, you could complete the video lessons and accompanying worksheets in a matter of 4 days. Each module includes about 90 minutes of instruction with a workbook.

 Why should I purchase this course instead of other teaching courses out there?

This course is designed for aromatherapists wanting to teach others. You not only learn what makes a great teacher but different methods of teaching and how specifically to use those methods while teaching aromatherapy.

 What if I only want to work 1:1 with clients?

Teaching doesn’t only mean working with large groups of people, you are most definitely still teaching when working 1:1 with clients in a consulting manner. You and your clients will still benefit from this course as you will have a better understanding of how exactly to talk to them about their custom blends, or products you have created for them.

 Do I have to buy any other products for this course?

You do not need any products to complete this course. However, in lesson 2 I do talk to you about the products you will need to start purchasing if you intend to teach larger groups.

The world needs more teachers, but the world requires more aromatherapy teachers. Will you be one of them?

Are you ready to become the aromatherapy teacher you’ve always wanted?


Amy Galper

New York, NY 10003

© 2022 Amy Galper, All rights reserved. Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions

All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.